You have two options for downloading the book in either English or French. Option 1, downloads a ZIP file containing each chapter as an individual file. We recommend this option for new users because you will find it easier to navigate between individual, short files rather than within a single, long file. Option 2 is a single file containing the complete book. If you have some familiarity with navigating Word headings using JAWS, you might find this option more convenient. Instructions for each option are given below.
Option 1: Downloading a ZIP of Individual Chapters
English ZIP File: Getting_Back_To_Work.zipFrench ZIP File: retrouvez_votre_emploi_précédent_grâ
To download the book using Internet Explorer with JAWS, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the ZIP file link prior to this step.
- Press Enter to activate the link. JAWS announces the Do you want to open or save dialog.
- Press Alt plus: N, to activate the Open or Save dialog.
- Press Tab to move to the Save split button.
- Press the Down Arrow twice to select the Save As menu item.
- Press Enter to open Windows Explorer.
- Press Shift plus Tab repeatedly until JAWS announces: Tree View.
- Use the Arrow keys to navigate the Tree View until you have selected the desired folder and then press Enter. You may store this file in any folder.
- Press Alt plus: S, to save the file in the folder you selected. A download dialog is displayed. When the download has completed, JAWS announces: 100 percent.
- To close the Download dialog, press Alt plus: N, to activate the Download dialog.
- Press Tab three times until you reach the Close button and press Enter to close the dialog.
- Press the Windows key. JAWS announces: Menu, Search box, edit.
- Type: Windows Explorer, and press Enter.
- Press Shift plus Tab repeatedly until JAWS announces: Tree view.
- Use the Up and Down Arrows to navigate to the folder in which you stored the zip files. If JAWS announces that a folder is closed, press the Right Arrow to open it.
- Once you have located the folder, press Enter to activate it.
- Press Control plus Tab to shift focus to the folder contents.
- Use the Up and Down Arrows to locate the desired chapter.
- When you have selected the chapter you want, press Enter to open it in your default word processing program.
Option 2: Downloading the Complete Book
English RTF File: Getting Back to Work with JAWS_Full Book.rtfFrench RTF File: français_retrouvez_votre_emploi_précédent_grâce_à_JAWS
To download the book using Internet Explorer with JAWS, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the ZIP file link prior to this step.
- Press Enter to activate the link. JAWS announces the Do you want to open or save dialog.
- Press Alt plus: N, to activate the Open or Save dialog.
- Press Tab to move to the Save split button.
- Press the Down Arrow twice to select the Save As menu item.
- Press Enter to open Windows Explorer.
- Press Shift plus Tab repeatedly until JAWS announces: Tree View.
- Use the Arrow keys to navigate the Tree View until you have selected the desired folder and then press Enter. You may store this file in any folder.
- Press Alt plus: S, to save the file in the folder you selected. A download dialog is displayed. When the download has completed, JAWS announces: 100 percent.
- To close the Download dialog, press Alt plus: N, to activate the Download dialog.
- Press Tab three times until you reach the Close button and press Enter to close the dialog.
- Press the Windows key. JAWS announces: Menu, Search box, edit.
- Type: Windows Explorer, and press Enter.
- Press Shift plus Tab repeatedly until JAWS announces: Tree view.
- Use the Up and Down Arrows to navigate to the folder in which you stored the RTF file. If JAWS announces that a folder is closed, press the Right Arrow to open it.
- Once you have located the folder, press Enter to activate it.
- Press Control plus Tab to shift focus to the folder contents.
- Use the Up and Down Arrows to locate the book file.
- When you have selected the file, press Enter to open it in your default word processing program.